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Marking furniture :S

20 9:11:22

Help.  I've adopted a 4 yr old siberian husky.  I had a Samoyed about 7 years ago and didn't have problems training him at all.  \

First few days ... great, housebroken and obedient for the most part.  Yesterday, it was rainy outside and he decided to leave a pile in my bedroom.... he was quick!!!  After scolding him we went to his bathroom area.  Later that evening, 3 seconds out of site, he leaves a huge puddle on a gaming chair.... !!!..   completed the routine again.  

So far so good today until we recieved new sofas.  He quickly marked a nice spot in the corner.  I showed him I was very displeased and put his head to the ground, went outside to his spot, he used it properly, praised him.  

ok.. I noticed he likes to mark furniture.  what is a good way to break this before it becomes a habit at my house?

It sounds to me like you have this under controll. Just keep doing what you are doing, also keeping this room closed so you can be there at all times when he goes in would speed the process along. You don't want him to just decide he can do it only when you aren't there.
Any Questions please ask!
-Michelle B