Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Breathing


20 9:13:07

QUESTION: Our husky is 2 years old and he seems to breath hard almost all the time.  Is this usual for huskies or should I be worried?
ANSWER: Hi Becky,

No this isn't normal for huskies to be breath hard.  Huskies usually breath hard after excising. I need a little more input to answer this question. Do you live in a hot environment?  Does he get breath hard when he is trying to tell you something (he wants outside or wants your attention)?  Just reply back with these answers and anything else that is important.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We live in St. Louis Missouri.  It just seem that it takes him a long time to cool down after being outside or playing around.  It seem like he breaths hard unless he is sleeping.

Hi Becky,

With warm weather huskies pant to keep cool, but with it just starting Spring the isn't that "hot" to be panting a lot.  Huskies can have allergies which of course makes it hard for a dog to breath normal, so they pant.  I would recommend getting him checked by a vet. It isn't normal for him to be panting all the time.  If it is allergies then the vet might suggest something to help reduce the panting or give you medication for the dog to take.  

I hope this helps.  If you have anymore questions, please ask.  Good Luck.

Thank you,