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huskies eyes

20 9:09:52

why are huskies eyes whitish blue. and do the colors of their eyes impact on the way they see things?

It is simple genetics, and while eye color in some breeds can be a sign of eye problems, Siberians usually don't suffer from the standard conditions.  Their eye colors can vary widely, and it is really no different than the difference in human eye colors.

As a rule (without genetic mutation), dogs will have an eye color that is no lighter than the eyes of their parents.  However, blue eyes are the exception, and that trait is apparently recessive.  Therefore, the parents may both have brown eyes, but if they both have a blue eyed recessive gene, their pups may end up with blue eyes.  However, if the dog does not have blue eyes, the pup's eye color will be no lighter than the lightest coloration of their parents.

As far as the way their eyes process light, the pigment does not directly relate to the rods and cones of the eye that actually pick up light and color, therefore, a brown-eyed dog should see things the same way as a blue-eyed one.

Hope that helps!