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leash training my huskies

20 9:08:18

I have two huskies m/fe both 5yrs old and both rescues. My 1st huskey hit by car. Have had fe for 3yrs and male 2 yrs.I have a house and a fenced yard. Both have had some form of obedience training when I got them. Female is passive submissive, likes to be by herself in general.Male always wants attentiion. They get along great.Some things have changed at our house many and i am losing control of them. My husband works on the road and my work hours are longer. I do have someone come and let them out during the day. Cooped up during the day and not alot of time to spend with them at night. If we had doggie daycare i would do it. My issue is i never realized there was a proper way to wa;lk your dog. Been doing alot of research. First thing i do when i get home is take two cooped up dogs for a walk. Bought a double leash. I thought at first it was great but it is torture for me to walk them and i dread coming home knowing i have to do it. My body is beat up from work then fighting them on walks.I broke my leg last fall walking them. So they have never been leash trained and I have no control over them. I cant train 2 dogs at once by myself.My female is becoming very aggresive to other dogs now where we probably wont be allowed on the path anymore and i cant handle her.They will sit for 2 secs as i try and work with them but they pay no attention. I have been reading about harnesses and prong collars which would help with the pulling, whichever is better? Things will eventually change at our house but do I need to startb over with obedience class again and how with two dogs.

I would get a halti or a gentle leader. These give you more control over the dogs with very little effort. They will have to have a period to get sued to them before you can go out and use them. It is like a Horse halter for a dog. They work very well on my pullers.

 Can you hire someone to walk them at lunch also? I tired dog is a good dog so the saying goes. Your female isn't getting enough exercise and she is showing it by being aggressive. Going to obedience class all over again isn't a bad Idea. Just because the dog was trained doesn't mean anything, the human has to be trained with the dog for it to work. It will build a very important bond. Siberians need an owner in a definite leader role. This doesn't mean to be mean to them. You just have to be, in their eyes 100% the authority figure (this is a definite for the female she hasn't formed a proper relationship with you if she rather be left alone by you, this is a sign she doesn't need you and thinks of herself as the leader). As I sit here and type all of my dogs are huddled about my feet and chair waiting to me to tell them what to do. If not close they keep an eye on me.

Any Questions Please ask!
Michelle B