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Older Husky new puppy?

20 9:16:42

We have an older female Husky (Maxie) She found us about 7 years ago and is the light of my life.  She was a stray, the vet guessed her to be about 9 now.  I keep reading and I know Huskies are pack animals. However, I have been asking questions about getting a smaller dog with similar qualities (Jack Russell Terrier) and am being told no that this will not work because of the Husky prey drive.  Maxie has unfortuatly killed a Cat and I am well aware of the prey drive.  She has gotten along with other dogs in the past.  Granted they were larger.  My Grandmother now has a Cockapoo and as long as that little one leaves her alone she leaves it alone.  I just don't know if I should wait or keep researching alternatives to the flat out no.  I need help.  Thanks for anything even if just another no.

Dear Erin,
I would not be worried, I too have dogs that will kill a cat, but they know another dog from a cat, even small dogs. I would be careful and watchful with the new puppy but I am sure a jack russel will hold its own and the two will be playing endlesly in no time. Of course you will have to be careful initially with the introductions, but as your new pup grows I do not think he would be in any danger of being prey to your husky. I hope this helps you.
Faye and Husky Crew.