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2 Year Old Husky

20 9:10:51

I have just adopted a 2 year old female Husky. The previous owners called her Misty.
The problem I have is that she never comes to her name. Its like she either doesnt acknowledge you or her name. When I take her for walks, and talk to her she doesnt seem to listen or care.
She also is used to walking all over her other owners. She seems to want to barge through the way and take control. Something I am trying to change.
How can I teach Misty to come or look at me when I say her name? Is 2 years old too old for her to change owners and be taught obedience??

No she can be tought but you are going to have to build a relationship up with her and get her to respect you first. It sounds like you are trying but it will take time. Huskies are very intelligent and she could be sulking becuase she was taken from her last home. She probably loved that last home.

Any Questions please ask!
-Michelle B