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My husky is diff from others...

20 9:12:52

Hi, I live in Malaysia and this is my first husky. He's 11 months old male. I've meet some people with husky around here and I've notice that my husky is quite a diff with others. He is thin and smaller compare to other's husky. He's around 14kg. His coat is also shinny and smooth while other's are not. his paws are also much smaller compare to others. I've try giving him as much food as he can eat which he would just eat a little bit. There's not much people in my country with husky and I can't tell if i'm feeding him right. the vets over here doesn't know much about husky too.  

Hi Cheng Hoo,

Huskies should be eating 2 times a day.  The amount depends on how much your husky eats in about 10-15 minutes.  What you need to do is measure the amount of food you give him and continue to keep feeding him if the dish empties before the 15 minutes are up.  Once the 15 minutes are up you pick up the bowl.  The amount you gave him in the 15 minutes minus the left over in his bowl is the amount you should be feeding your husky during his feeding.  

What type of food are you feeding him?  

If you any more questions, please ask!
