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Feeding my Huskies

20 9:16:52

Our family adopted two beautiful siberian huskies from a husky rescue nearby. I am not sure how much they are supposed to be fed. I think it is once a day as a general rule however the dogs seem more hungry than that.

Dear Kelli,
I only ever feed my guys once a day, huskies can be very ruled by food. But beware huskies were specifically designed to subsist in a very harsh environment on very little food and work all day on it. So they can become very overweight in the absence of this. Here are some feeding hints these are the rules I live by and I have had great success with.
This is a question I am often asked and I have only one answer, though
most people rarely follow my advice. I only feed raw food to my dogs I do
not give them any commercial dog food at all. I must say my guys thrive on
this diet, and are healthier, and happier then dogs who eat processed
food. I give all raw meat, all differnt kinds, but for growing pups
chicken is the best. I give whole eggs, lactose reduced milk, basically
everything I would eat with the exception of cereals, even fruit and veg.
Beleive it or not, although dog food is full of the stuff, dogs cannot
digest it at all, and it has no food value to them at all. It can even
cause diabeties which I have seen happen first hand in dogs, and often
does. So give a diet of 80% raw meaty bones and don't have a vet bill or a
broken heart.I hope this helps you, Faye and Husky Crew.