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2 Huskies (Brothers)

20 9:08:02

Everyone I talk to keeps telling me that we never should have purchased our puppies together...but we are head over heels in love!!!
They are 8 weeks old and I think so far everything is great!!!
This is not the first time we have owned a Siberian...we just had to put down our 14 year old female...we know they like to have constant companionship which is why we got 2 this time, figured it would make for happier pups...
What is the most important thing we should know...lots of people say to keep them separate...I love seeing them together...they love being together...were we wrong in making this decision??  It's too late now, we would never think of giving them back,but any advice would be appreciated!!!
Thank You!!

I always advise that you get them separately. The reason behind it is that you can properly train the first one before the second one comes into the picture, also it helps form a bond that they can rely on when they need something. Since they came from the same litter they will look to each other for help, companionship and the worse one, something to do when they get bored.

  I wouldn't say you are wrong ether, I do not think there is a right or a wrong answer to this problem as long as you can form that bond and train them properly everything is great. However it will take more work to form that bond and train them. Separating them will help, but they will throw a fit when you do. This is a social animal and loves company, of coarse they won't be happy alone.... not to many people can be alone ether. But one on one time can help you train them better. The easiest way to do this is find a friend who is willing to help. Babysit one puppy for a while, they don't have to take the puppy to their house, another room in the house will be good. Have them play with the pup while you spend 15 mins or so with one puppy then switch. This will help them build a personal bond with you. Even if all you do for the 15 mins is play with a ball or teach them to sit. It all helps. Siberians have a hard time taking orders from someone they do not have a bond with. Once you feel there is a bond you can start training them together.

Any more Q's lease ask!
-Michelle B