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just brought a husky

20 9:12:33

i wanted to know if sibes can be trained to run around the front yard without a leash? my sibe is eight weeks old -male- and i have a another dog sheperd mixed - male - which is about two years old. will they get along?

Can they be trained?  Yes.

Will they stay in the front yard because of that training? No.

Sibes were bred to be nomadic and disobedient, and that combination does not yield itself well to life unleashed.  In fact, the dog should NEVER be trusted off leash in an unenclosed area.

As for getting along with your other dog, it completely depends on the dogs.  Two males will struggle more with each other than a male and female, but if you have two relaxed dogs, or one dominant and one submissive dog, you shouldn't have a problem.  Sibes were bred to be pack animals, so they do thrive on interaction with other canines.  In contrast many shepherd breeds are more solitary.  Avoiding feeding them together and keeping treats separated often helps, as fights most often break out around food.  Beyond that, it should help some that the Sibe was introduced as a puppy.  Puppies get more leniency generally from older dogs, and is easier if they grow up with the older dogs.