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hot dog

20 9:10:18

I live in south Texas where the winters are cool(between 40 and 70) and the summers are between 90 and 110. Would a husky make a good dog for where i live? I know that they can survive heat because my brother has one and he live in phoenix, and my cousin had one when she lived where i do (hot and humid south texas)... but i would just like to know for sure.

Siberians are fine in hot weather but you need to-
1) Do not shave your husky EVER. The fur protects them from the heat in the summer and warm in the winter just like an insolated cooler. Also if you remove the coat they will more then likely get skin cancer if you do not use sun block on them. There skin doesn't contain a lot of pigment.
2) During really hot days, or during the hottest part of the day take them inside.
3) If outside make sure they have pleanty of water, a kiddy pool is great try to leave it in the shade so the water doesn't evaporate to fast.
4) Also if outside make sure the dog has a shaded area to ecape to with a dog house in it. Like a lean to or a open grage (in a fenced in area).

Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B