Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Hi I have used a lot of ur...

Hi I have used a lot of ur...

20 9:16:37

Hi I have used a lot of ur answers to other peoples questions to train my dog and they have been very usefull. My husky is about 4 months old and loves to jump on people for attention when they enter the back yard.  Is there any way to stop her from doing this. I usually tel her to sit and shew does it but she won't sit untill she has already jumped about 3 times on me.
2) I have another question also. I have taught her to sit and stay but I can't get her to lay down when I say so. She also bites on the leash and lays down to show me she doesn't want to be trained.  Is there any way to get her to lay down when I say so and not to bite on the leash and lay down to be stubburn... Thank u 4 your time

Dear Danny,
Glad I have been of help to you. The jumping up thing is a hard one, some huskies just love to do this, I have one I could never train out of it. I really don't know what to tell you on this one except if she does it just walk away and go inside. Huskies hate to be ignored more than anything and perhaps in time she will connect with the idea if she jumps you will leave, if she is good you will stay.
Laying down is a hard one too, you must remember these dogs were bred to pull sleds and to expect obedience moves from them is a hard ask. These guys are hard to train in conventional dog moves. I had a little girl who would also lay down and even growl when she didn't want to do something. As for the lead it is easily solved. Get a chain lead not a webbing one. Be careful with her teeth but she will hate to chew it after a while, eventually she wont chew a webbing lead either. This mouthing behaviour is very prevalant at her stage of life.
I hope this helps a little. Good luck Faye and Husky Crew.