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17 1/2 year old Siberian Husky

20 9:12:20

My female husky is 17 1/2 years old with severe arthritis in her hip and left
leg, is almost deaf and has very poor vision but her blood work is great and
the vet said aside from her having trouble walking, she is healthy for her age.  
She has good days and bad days and I love her dearly, but do not want her to
ever suffer.    Can you tell me the signs to watch for so that I know when she
might be dying of natural causes?  Every day with her is a gift, and I am
preparing myself for what's ahead.  I want her to go peacefully when the time
comes.  thank you.

I had to look around a little for this answer. Being less active, moping around, vacant eyes and hiding are signs. Some times there are no signs they just go to bed like every other day and so not wake up. But I have heard of huskies, from vets, that have lived up to 27 years. You might have some time left. The one that lived up to 27 years had to be put down because his arthritis got so bad his joint fell apart and just could not walk anymore. . I am happy to hear you love her that much you will keep her well being in mind, sometimes people are a little to selfish with there animals. I wish you the best of times with your baby! -Michelle B