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Husky training

20 9:16:57

When I take my husky, Cairo for a walk he continues to pull hard and will run flat out until restrained by his extending lead. How can I stop him pulling so hard all the time? He is just over 2 years old.

Dear Stewart,
Your husky is simply doing what he was bred to do, PULL. No matter what lead you use a husky will pull until he gets to the end of it and wants to run all the way. That is simply how a husky is and you must accept that as part of this wonderful breed. You may get told by others that to prevent this you should use a Halti, a kind of lead which fits over the dogs nose and head which is designed to prevent pulling. I must stress this with a husky is not a good idea, it will not stop your husky from pulling either, and you can risk hurting him with this. The same applies to all kinds of choke collars because he will still pull to the extreme even when he is hurting.
I guess this is not the answer you wanted to hear, but a husky is a husky, and pull is what they were designed to do.
I hope this helps you understand your boy better even if it doesnt change a thing about him. Good Luck Faye and Husky Crew.