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When do Huskies stop growing in size

20 9:16:04

Hi there, I have a seven month old husky called Dax I was just wondering what age do Huskies generally stop growing at?

Also he get very upset if I just leave the room for a few minutes, he howls,cry and then urinates right there by the door, us there anything I can do,he cant be by himself even if it is for a few minutes. He is very loved and we spend a lot of time with him. I dont really work so am home and I take him to the beach for over two hours a day, or sometimes for the whole day.

Also he is going to training although it ia slow, is there anyway to train him that when I call he must come to me, he will but only if he wants to.

Thank you


Hi Lee,

I am sorry that is has taken me so long to reply.  I have had a big medical emergency with my son and was away for some time.  

Huskies usually stop growing at the age of 2 years old.  Right now he is severing from separation anxiety and it will get better as he grows older.  Huskies hate to be left alone and when they are even for a second they will cry, howl, and urinate.  This is just their way of saying I DON'T LIKE BEING ALONE.  Again it should pass as he gets older.  As for training, huskies are very stubborn.  When he is called he should come unless he is outdoors.  You need to be strict with the way you are calling him.  Maybe try some treats.  When you call him and he comes give him a treat.  Keep practicing this until he gets it down.

I hope this helps with your question.  If you have anymore questions please ask.  Again I am so sorry it has taken me so long to reply.

Thank you and Good Luck,