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Im Thinking Of Getting Huskies

20 9:11:29

My friend and I are thinking of getting Huskies, but I have heard some bad news about them. Some other friends of mine have said that they are vicious and dig holes all over your garden. They say that Huskies are wild and too big to be good pets. Is this true?

Also, we are wondering what the average price for a Siberian Husky is.

Well, Siberian Huskies are definitely not a breed for everyone.  In fact, most people I meet with my dogs that say "Oh! I've always wanted one of those" I respond:

No.  You probably don't want one.

Now, the truth is, I'll always have them - they are wonderful and amazing animals, but they definitely have their challenges.  To owners like me, those challenges are what make the breed so great to own.

Some things to keep in mind:

1) They are extremely high energy.  They were bred to run 100+ miles a day.

2) They are extremely intelligent.  This doesn't mean that they are smart in the "My dog can do 100 tricks" department.  Instead, they are actually brilliant problem solvers who were bred to be very independent thinkers.  They are not necessarily obedient because of that.  Actually, they question everything, and because of that, can be very difficult to train.

3) They are extremely social animals.  They were bred to live and work in a pack, and being a pet, they thrive on social interaction.  This is not a breed that can be left home alone for hours on end.

4) They were bred as arctic dogs.  This means not only do they shed a lot, they also love to dig.  Unfortunately, playing in dirt is much more appealing than preserving a garden.  It is just something Sibes "do" and while there are ways to minimize it, I wouldn't guarantee that a dog wouldn't dig up every living thing in your yard.

5) They love to run.  See above - 100+ miles per day.  And actually, they were bred as nomadic dogs, so they pretty much can't find their way home - they lack the homing instinct.  So, proper security is a must.

6) They aren't really quiet.  They have difficulty barking, but love howling and singing.

If all of those are manageable, then you can look further into the dog.  Personally, I love their intelligence and athletic nature.  Also, they are extremely friendly and loving as a breed.  While some people think they can be vicious, the breed itself is friendly and doesn't consider anyone really a stranger.  They can play really rough, so some people take that as being vicious, but they aren't as a whole.

Hopefully some of that info helps some, but if you have any additional questions, please let me know.  Definitely do your research!