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swimming for a husky?

20 9:13:01

Hi, I live in a tropical country so a favorite past time of our 3 month old husky has been to go down the stairs of our  small pool and cool himself off by bathing himself or lying in the shallow part.

There are two things that concern me though. First of all, he has fallen into the deep end a few times, but we've always been there to pull him out, but what I want to know is does he already know how to swim? If not, how could we teach him and would it be ok for a puppy his age? The second thing that worries me is the chlorine, when he's dipping his head into the water to bathe, he sometimes drinks some of the chlorinated water, is that ok?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Jon,

Yes, puppies can swim.  The only problem with pools is depend on the pool he might not be able to get out and will drown if you aren't watching him.  They are just like children and must me watched.

No, chlorine is not good for him.  It will irritate eyes, mucous membrane, GI upset, and even poison him.  I would recommend taking him to a lake or pond to swim.  Getting a dog pool without chlorine will also be a good idea.  

Reminder... Dogs have more bacteria and will cause algae and other build ups in the pool.

I hope this helps.  If you have anymore questions, please ask.
