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New Siberian puppy with chinchilla

20 9:12:22

QUESTION: Ok I have to admit that I've asked a bunch of people this question and have always gotten similar responses, but I'm really desperate for a solution, so I was hoping you could help.  I am getting an 8 week old Siberian puppy from a breeder in about a week.  However, I also have a pet chinchilla.  I would like the puppy and chinchilla to coexist in the same house, and ideally, the same room.  Yes I know about and have heard and read about Siberians' prey drive.  What I'm wondering is: 1. How do I make the introduction between the two as peaceful or at least as optimal as possible (note that the chinchilla gets very excited about meeting dogs and is not at all scared of them) and 2. What training can I do to prevent my puppy from eating the chinchilla either now or when he grows up (short of barricading them in separate rooms).  Any 2 cents you have would be GREATLY appreciated!

ANSWER: I wouldn't say this is entirely impossible, BUT it all depends on your husky. I have a Siberian that likes to take care of baby wild rabbits so I know some Siberians have the temperament for allowing small animals in the pack.
 You will want to introduce the Chinchilla as quickly as passable. Always have control of the puppy. At 8 weeks they do not have teeth or the jaw power to kill quickly. Any attempts at aggression should not be allowed. When the puppy ignores the chinchilla give treats. Let the puppy know when he/she is behaving its self next to the chinchilla it is a good thing. Let every waking moment let the pup know the chinchilla is not a plaything and is to be respected. The pup will also watch you to see how you handle the cute little rodent (I had a chinchilla but my pack wanted to eat it).
The one thing to keep in mind though, even if it all goes great NEVER even if they have been getting along for many years leave them alone together. This will have to be a monitored relationship by you. I have heard of huskies getting along great for many years and one day just change their mind, it is always when the owner isn't present. If you need more answered please ask!
-Michelle B ^^

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Michelle, Thanks so much for your speedy and helpful reply!  A few quick follow up questions - when you say never leave them alone (and unsupervised) together, do you mean even when the chinchilla is in her cage the husky shouldn't have access to the chinchilla's room when I'm away?  Or as long as one of them is confined, can I hope to leave them alone together?  Also, do you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing to have their cages/crates in the same room?

It is fine if the chinchilla is in a cage. I just meant unsupervised with full access to the little guy. It is also fine if they are crated together I think that would give a since of being equal to each other, if that makes any since. When one is kenneled the other one should be as well. That way you don't have sibling rivalry.
-Michelle B ^^