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Potty Training Fails everytime

20 9:10:19

QUESTION: Hello again,
I have been trying to potty train my 2 month husky..No Luck...

He keeps eliminating in the wrong spot..I have Training Spray, Spray where you want him to do it and he'll do it there. well, that's what I thought he'd do..but he always does it somewhere else..I can tell he's going to poo when he starts to sniff and circle a couple of them, at that time I hold him and put him where he should be eliminating, but when I do that he runs away and goes somewhere else..

I now have all my floor covered with news paper so i don't have to clean every time he does it...

I tried something that didn't work at all. every hour or so I put him at the spot but he runs away from there right away...

What is the effective way to help him to understand that?

Also, Away from potty training, My husky sometimes doesn't respond after secs..he takes time to respond, when I hold a treat next to him he doesn't walk to it he just tried to catch it when it's near him, sometimes he sit in front of me and stares at me, I don't understand what he wants..

ANSWER: I am having trouble understanding, is this a place in a lawn or in your house (like a litter pan) that you are trying. Also does it seem like he is having trouble holding it (pees everywhere indiscriminantly).

Also the dog not coming to get the treat is that he is training you. He is using passive behavior to be dominate over you and get you to do what he wants not the other way around. He sounds like he has not much respect for you. If you walk away and not give him the treat if he doesn't come forward. He will eventually find it more awarding to listen. I would like you to talk to me personally about your pup sounds like a handful.
Here is a link to my website I have contact info on there.
-Michelle B

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well, I'm not quite sure he acts that way..I mean, he used to make a lot of noise when I put him in his crate, now he loves it, I have given him treats as an award, he almost understands Sit, Stay and the car he is very calm and sometimes he jumps on my lab to sleep or just sit, if I leave him there he stay calm and sleeps if he wants to..
now he doesn't hate his crate, he stays calm so I let him out, when I sleep I put him in his crate and lock it..sometiems he sits in front of me and stares at me, if I move away he comes to me and sits with stares at me...

it would help if you could tell me how to show him that I'm the alpha..

about the potty training, I live in an apartment (indoors) so I have an empty room where I have a spot for him like news paper or a pot...

Do you have a balcony you could use as outside?
Choose a command and spot you want it to use. When you bring it home, take it to the spot and give it the command in a firm, but friendly voice. Keep repeating the command and let the puppy sniff around. If it does anything, praise it. Really let it know what a good dog it is and how much you love it, and maybe a treat. If it doesn't go, take it away from the potty spot and give it a drink and any meals scheduled. A young puppy will need to go immediately afterward. Go to the spot and follow the above routine. Praising it if it goes is extremely important. If it doesn't go, take it and put it in its crate and try again soon. Do not let it loose in the house until it does go. You may want to keep a leash on him.

Your puppy doen't sound bad at being domanante just a little hard headed. Always remember if he dosen't come get the treat don't bring the treat to him. That is a simple domanance training you can do.
Also the stairing, he wants you to do something. Play with him, feed him. But most probably he wants outside. You have to figure out what he wants from you.
Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B