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traveling with a husky

20 9:16:37

Really this question applies to traveling with any large dog- how did your dogs do on the plane ride from Australia? I am adopting my sister's husky, and I am also searching for jobs around the country. So, i may have to fly with the pooch and I am terrified! How did your dogs handle the trip and what airlines allow dogs to fly in the cabin and NOT under it?! Also, how well do large dogs do during LONG car trips?


Hi There,
In answer to your question my dogs did great on their epic journey to the USA. I had one dog who I thought would be trouble as he was the nervous kind but he was just fine. I flew my guys with Jet Pets they are based in Melbourne, look them up on the net. They were great people and my dogs seemed no worse for wear when they arrived. They took the time to answer any questions I might have on this.
I dont think there would be too many airlines who let dogs fly in passenger. Only heard of wealthy people with small dogs doing this ever in first class. The cargo compartment where they travel is all pressurised. I actually think most dogs would prefer that quiet to the bustle of up top.
My guys were veterans of long car trips and loved them immensely. Just give them a break every 3 to 4 hours plenty of water and keep them cool they will be fine.
Hope this Helps.
Faye and Husky Crew.