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Why my husky howls at some friends

20 9:09:53

Hi, my husky howls at some (not all) friends who come to our house.  I get the feeling that she is telling us something as she wont even come into the house or come near us when they visit.  She has never been alone with anyone so I know she has not been mistreated in any way.  She normally runs to greet other visitors and is very sociable both in her own surroundings and when outside.  Most of our friends are animal lovers but the friends she howls at are not - could this have something to do with it?


Well, all dogs are funny how they show things.  In fact, my dogs only howl when friends they like come over.  In fact, I usually tell people that the more they howl, the more they like you.  If she is staying away from some people, it could be for any number of reasons.  I wouldn't worry about it much as some dogs just don't like some people, and I wouldn't doubt if it had to do with these people not being "dog-people".  As long as she isn't being aggressive or anything towards them, this just sounds like normal dog behavior . . . especially normal female Siberian Husky behavior.  It's interesting, but it seems that females are a little more aloof than males, and if they are raised in a family as a single dog, they often are more aloof to strangers than females raised with other dogs.  I don't see any cause for concern with it, just that she knows when she is welcomed by your friends, and that's probably a good thing.

Que tenga un buen dia!