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Is my husky really a husky?

20 9:09:54


sleeping baby
My sister and I just bought a 5 week old siberian husky (purebreed, or so we were told) from a guy outside a shop (we reliezed that we probably wouldn't get a purebred from a random person but we didn't care because we fell in love with her and he was selling her for a decent price) and when we took her home and looked at her more closely, we relized that she looked like a german sheperd...
Can you maybe take a look and give your opinion on our new puppy?

Well, of course at this point it's all speculation, but if I had to guess I would say German Shepherd/Husky mix.  She definitely looks like she has some GSD in her, and some spitz (spitz would be the primitive arctic breeds like Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, etc.).  They do have DNA tests that you can do if you are curious, and from what I hear they are pretty cheap and kind of fun to find the results out.  In any case, she looks adorable! :)