Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Roaming


20 9:11:45

We have 2 huskies, a 7 year old male and a 5 year old female.  The male has not been neutered, the female has been spayed.  The male is the alpha between the two.  The female treats the male as her leader frequently following him rather than obeying us.  My wife and I have tried to make ourselves the alphas in the 'pack'.  Both are generally well behaved dogs while inside, on leash, or when we are doing something active like running or biking.  They understand commands and tricks.  They are exercised frequently, perhaps not as much as a husky truly needs, but frequently.  The problem is with the male.  He is a roamer and frequently takes the female with him.  Sometimes it is through the electric fence, which 95% of the time works, or during hikes when we let them off leash.  Again, when we are doing something active they are generally well behaved and stay in our general area.  But, sometimes he gets the urge to go, and we can literally see him making the decision to disobey us.  When he knows we control the situation (inside or on leash) he obeys immediately.  We have recently noticed he does not return to me but instead my wife after he is 'done' roaming.  I am the one that does most of the disciplining in the 'pack'.  We have tried providing positive feedback when he returns but are stuck feeling like this is rewarding the roaming.  We can't seem to find a way to punish him for roaming or making the decision to disobey.  We have considered several options and would like your opinion.  First, will neutering him reduce is urge to roam?  Second, we have considered a remote shock collar that we can trigger when we see him make the decision to disobey.  The electric fence works well, will this?  Our ultimate goal is to have two huskies we can control off leash.  Do you have any other ideas that might help?  Thanks,

Trust is the #1 killer of huskies I know of Titled obedience dogs that didn't listen 1 time and ran out and got hit, and killed, by a car. I highly suggest keeping huskies on a leash do not off leash train them. people never know what they have till its gone.
Neutering him won't change the fact it is a breed trait. A shock collar might help but it can also cause cataracts.
Any more Questions please ask!
-Michelle B