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shoes for ahusky

20 9:12:47

I have a dog with 2 middle toes missing on his front paw. I would like to get shoes that a husky would wearon cross country sledding trips. I do alot of hiking with him and he will start limping. I believe these shoes would help him. Where would I get them. Thank you for your help

There are several "boots" that are made for sledding dogs, so you can definitely run a search for sled dog equipment and should come up with quite a variety.  Look for one's that are appropriate to the terrain (some companies have snow, snow/ice, hiking, concrete, etc.).  Obviously you are more concerned with padding, so checking into the vendor some would help.  Unfortunately, I have not dealt with any directly, but seems to have a good variety.  But Google "dog sled boots" or something similar and you should get a good result.  Also, look up skijoring - as there are a lot of vendors for that as well that are good.  Most that are referenced from sites like or from skijoring groups are reliable.

I order almost all my dog supplies on-line, so you should have some good luck there.  Hope that helps!