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Nanook our siberian husky

20 9:16:28

what do you recommend as the best book that you can buy on how to train your husky. This is our first husky (and he is gergeous), but we have heard that huskies require special training.
The information that we have obtained from your website page on the way to feed nanook was very interesting and we will put it into use.



I am very sorry for my delayed response to your question. My phone company decided to sever my internet completely and would not reconect it for over a week.
So as to your question I was fortunate to join a club who were focused on this breed and you are correct to say huskies require special training. What works for your average dog does not work for a husky. I have never come across a good book on this subject all my information has come from long experience and trial and error. To date the best source of information I have found is the internet.
I hope this helps, good luck with Nanook.

Faye and Husky Crew.