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huskies and bones

20 9:16:03

can huskies eat often should we feed them bones and what kind because we give our dog sadie smoked turkey legs and smoked ham bones all the time. but i am worried that we might give her a leg or a bone and it will splinter and i have been told that splinterd bones will kill and also how often should we give her legs or bones.
thanks for your time,

Fowl legs can splinter and choke a dog or puncture the GI tract. Your harder bones if given to a severe chewer can split and chip teeth. The molars are expensive to fix and even to pull. You might want to consider a safer chew like a KONG which can be filled with food and dogs usually love it if filled with the right things. There is also the everlasting treat ball. Fowl bones are safe to give a dog are the spine, but only if they are raw. -Michelle B