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husky running away

20 9:08:12

I have a 18 month old husky/border collie mix.She is at home during the day but has the neighbours dog for company. We walk her at least 5 times a week. But whenever she sees an open gate she makes a run for it. Should we discipline her when when eventually catch her or just get her into the car. Also she does not come when we call her even if we are just in our own backyard. Any suggestions?

I just got done answering this question :) I will copy it from my other answer because the same things apply.

Here is what our Breed Club the Siberian Husky Club of America puts it
"Of all the shortcomings to be found in Siberians, the most dangerous to the pet owner is their tremendous desire to RUN. But the very first dash that a puppy makes across the road could be his last run, anywhere. A Siberian, for his own protection, should be kept confined or under control at all times. If you are one of those people who think it is cruel to kennel a dog, or keep him confined in his own backyard . . . don't buy a Siberian."
Here is the link

This breed WON'T and CAN'T be trained to stay in a lawn, hitting the poor girl would be pointlessly cruel. Also on Dog training hitting a dog for not coming in their mind is like these, "close to mom = pain" who would want to come to a mother like that. It is actually training them not to listen to you. "You attract more bees with honey" is how the saying goes. award her for being close to you. Give treats praise and play no matter how busy you are for her listening. Even to the smallest thing. If she doesn't listen I do this. Walk away pour a few pieces of dog food in a bowl and wait. I don't call them I just wait till they come (this is a indoor exercise until you get a fence). She will come then you tell her "Good Come." Let her have the treat and pet her and make a big deal over her being there. She will then associate being close to you to great things.

 Doing daily walks also helps, it give you control over them while letting them explore the outside world, Siberians are very intelligent and need mental stimulation something different to look forward to in a day is something great! Wouldn't you want to make a break for it if your life involved the same rooms and fenced yard day in and day out?
Any more question please ask!
-Michelle B