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Huskies alone

20 9:16:26

Hi again Laura,

We adopted the red Huskey and named him Soze.  He is wonderful - we are very happy, but are wondering what to do with him while we're at work (9 hours).  We tried to keep him in his own bedroom but he dug up the carpet :(
1. We installed an electric fence that he's being trained on - should we let him run free in the yard while we're gone once he's trained on the fence?  
2. He also has a crate, is it better to crate him while we're gone?
3. And our final option is a lead in the yard.
I'm afraid he'd dig under a chain link or wooden fence, and I just don't know what the Huskie breed likes when they're alone.
Thanks for all your help.


Followup To
Question -
Hi Laura,
We are considering adopting a 2 year old Red Huskey mix (?) from the shelter.  He hasn't been at the shelter long and he was fixed just after they got him.  He has a wonderful temperment, v. friendly, active, loving not bothered by cats (we tested this out at the shelter).  We have 2 concerns:  We are going to start a family later this year and we already have cats. How are huskies with babies/kids and do they "turn on you".  In other words are Huskies the type that will be fine one day - and then eat the cats the next - or worse yet the kid?
Answer -
Huskies are great dogs around children.  My son is 13 months and my husky is great with him.  They do get jealous thought and want all your attention.  My son can crawl all over the dog and she does not care.  I had a male husky who let him do the same thing.  The only problem I had with him (J.D) was when we brought the baby home, he was very curious.  J.D even jumped into the crib with the baby.  I freaked out.  He just wanted to be close to the baby thought.  He was use to sleeping with us in the bed and thought he could do the same with the baby.  He only did that once.  A car hit him last year, so we no longer have him.  However, when he was here my son loved J.D and J.D was so good with my son.  
As for cats, I have heard that huskies will eat cats.  I however have not had that problem.  I have had cats around both my dogs.  They did great with them.  The cats could sleep next to them; eat next to them, etc.  Huskies tend to chase the cats thought.  It will take some time for the cats and dog to adjust.  Huskies do not turn on cats or kids.  They are lovely, friendly dogs.  They are non-aggressive, so they won't turn on you.    
Now, I do not know what mix the dog is other than husky, so I cannot promise nothing will happen.  I can just tell you what I know about the husky side, unless you can find out what mix he is.  I love this breed.  If you have any other questions, please ask.  I hope everything works out with you new husky and planning a new member of the family.  They are always joy.  


 So I take you got the dog.  Congrats!  Now comes the tough part of own them.  I have to laugh, because when I first got my husky I did not think he would eat the interior of my car, but he did.  He also ate my couch, carpet, etc.  Huskies get board very easy and hate to be left alone.  Therefore, that is why they destroy anything and everything.
 When you leave the house, you want to crate the dog.  I know it sounds mean to leave the dog in a crate for 9 hours, but that is the only way they will not destroy everything in your house.  I have never tried invisible fences, so I do not know if they work great on huskies.  I would not leave the dog outside all day thought.  Chances are if they see something they want, they will not care about getting shocked from the invisible fence.  Huskies will wander.  
 As for the chain fence or wood fence, they will dig underneath them to get out.  Sometime if the fence is, look enough they will jump it.  And trust me they can jump high.  You would have to lay down cement and put a wire fence around it or bury the fence deep, so they cannot dig.  
 You can also put a lead in the yard, but must get a heavy-duty one.  Do not get a chained one because huskies will break it.  You can get the heavy-duty ones at Petmarts.  Make sure you have a strong clip on the ends.  In addition, you are going to need a stake to clip the lead to.  Do not use the ones that just kind of screw into the ground, because he will pull it right out of the ground.  I bought my stake at Wal-Mart and it works wonders.  
  However, I crate my husky and it works out great.  I am not sure what type of crate you have.  They have the metal ones with the tray that slides in and out on the bottom or the plastic enclosed crates.  I preferred the plastic enclosed crates because my male husky use to tip the metal one over and get out the bottom after breaking the tray in half.  Therefore, I came home to a messy apartment.  
 If the invisible fence works great while you are at home, then use it.  Huskies need to run and putting them on a lead all the time is not so great.  I would recommend crating him while you away for long periods.  Well, good luck with this.  I know it seems like a lot, but huskies are wonderful pets.  If you have, other questions or concerns just asked.  
