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7 week old husky pup

20 9:12:10

I recently bought a wooly male hes showing signs of aggression he has bit my wife when she was putting an ungodly hoodie on him and then he growls and snarls at us at times like we pick him up in his sleep or move him and such i take this on as a challenge and roll him on his back n growl but I need to nip this in the butt I do NOT want a aggressive 50-70 pound dog running loose in my house my other Siberian is submissive as can be has the normal male dominance but I am just at a loss over where the aggression is if you have any tips on how to stop it because as a puppy as young as he is we should be able to change this unwanted behavior right?

Keep doing what you are doing but add give treats to the experience. Not when he growls, wake him wait for him to stop growling then treat him. Get him to understand NOTHING bad happens when you do this. He isn't being aggressive. He thinks he is protecting himself. Dogs naturally do not like anything over their head/neck area. This is a spot where older dogs will grab a pup to kill them. A large hoodie would be something scarry to a small pup, some kind of evil life sucking device that humans have lol. Again picking him up in his sleep, to a dog your hand is a mouth, that is what dogs grab stuff with it only makes sence to them that this is what we grab things with.
So from the pups point of view you have him in your mouth and he just was rudely awoken he thinks he is gonna die. I highly suggest that this boy go to a puppy class so it works some of his nervousness out.
Also this pup is to young to have gone home. A pup should be with their moms until 8 weeks old. It is a critical point when the mother builds there pups confidence up an they blossom.  I always keep mine till they are 9 weeks old to let mom teach them some more and get their first shots. I find the pups new owners are very happy with their pups that extra week just makes them very adjustable and in such they are very trainable.
-Michelle B ^^