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3 Mth Old Husky/Shep, missing out?

20 9:11:55

Hello! I have a beautiful 3 mth old husky with a little shep in her. She broke her leg at about 7 wks old and our vet told us that due to her immense energy level that we should keep her in her crate most of the time.. and only take her out to pee or play but only on your lap.
We've noticed she's gaining weight, which is expected.. but is there any learning experiences that she possibly has missed out on? I realize that these few months in a puppies life is crucial to learning.. and she isn't getting much of that in the crate.. are there some things we will never be able to teach her because of this? Im very worried, but she's definately housebroken! LOL
There is an older puppy in the home as well who has been keeping her company and offering some sort of "dog" related experiences for her.. do you think that keeping her in her crate for almost a month has done any serious damage to her?

Is it causing the dog to miss out on things?  Definitely.  Is it serious damage?  Most likely not.  The most important things that happen to a pup after leaving the litter around 7-9 weeks of age is socialization skills - most importantly of those would be non-canine socialization.  She is interacting with humans, so that's key.  Giving her some time with another dog to keep her company is also great.  Things that she would be missing out on during this time would be some coordination and motor skill development as her body matures.  It may cause a few little quirks, but I doubt they will be noticeable at all.  The most important thing here is consistent interaction at this point.