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Huskies with diarrhea

20 9:09:39

We have had two Huskies for about six weeks and both have had diarrhea on and off THE ENTIRE TIME (with some short periods of normal stool).  THey have been on Prescription ID since the first repeated diarrheas.  The older one, the six-month old, was just diagnosed with Corona.  The younger one, four months old, has similar symptoms (diarrhea and throwing up) so we are now treating him with the same medication (Tylin).  We are frustrated b/c we are not sure if they've had Corona the whole time or just recently, and the previous diarrhea was from something else.  (Also, the little one killed a rabbit this morning). Any insight you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Diarrhea is very common in Sibe puppies, and it is often the result of over-feeding or too much indigestible materials in their food.  Definitely continue to work with your vet on the prescriptions, but I would also suggest some dietary changes.

Sibes do very well on high protein and high fat diets fed in small portions.  If you can get them on a better kibble, that might help (one that has higher concentrations on the protein and fat side).  Also, adding some meat to the kibble isn't a bad thing.  One USl kennel found that a tablespoon of raw ground beef with each feeding helped eliminate runny stools.  And finally, some people find that raw feeding helps.  I'm not an expert there, but there are plenty of resources out there that you can find.

As for the rabbit kill . . . well, that's entirely Siberian.  They love to chase things and when they get them, the chasee doesn't usually fare too well.  Unfortunately, other than confinement, it's something that Sibes will do.