Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > one eye abnormally much bigger than other

one eye abnormally much bigger than other

20 9:11:23

There is a siberian husky at the pound, and has one eye abnormally much bigger than the other> Iwas wondering if this eye is inflammed or is this just how the dog has been born? His eyes are both blue and there are no abscess around it and he does not seem bothered by it. I am very intersted in taking him home , however i would like to know what it could be before i decide to take him.
Thanks for your time!

Well, an enlarged eye is usually caused by choking, or suffocation of some sort. But their is also some diseases that cause it (non-contagious) if this dog is alive I am assuming it was brought on by choking. The dog might lose vision in the eye when they get older if he hasn't already. But honestly you will have to consult a vet about this as I am no expert on treatment of this condition since I have no experience of this.
Sorry :(
Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B