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my bred husky

20 9:11:44

My husky stays in a kennel outdoors. When she is ready to have puppies, should i bring her indoors? Or what recommendations do you have for a birthing area within her kennel. She currently has a igloo house with straw. I've looked into whelping boxes, but do not know how i should handle the elements when she is due in end of Feb. We reside in mo. where it is cold, but hasn't been in the single digits yet. Thank you for your advise. I have scrolled through so many questions to find my answer and i am hopeful you can help. maybe you could recommend some web sites that i could check out..not having much luck on my own..

Bring her inside the pups are wet when they are born and can freeze to death rather quickly. A mother dog will stop taking care of a chilled pup and let them die. Even if it is a compleatly healthy pup other wise.
Bringing them indoors also helps you keep an eye on the welping process. C-sections are rare in this breed but they do happen about 1/4 of the time. If something happens and mom dies then that leaves you feeding pups every 1 to 2 hours morning and night. I have 2 girls that I have to assist, other wise I am sure I would have dead pups.
I will see if I can find a web site on welping. I know I have a favorite somwhere but cannot think of it right now.

Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B