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husky pup ears

20 9:11:05

I have six 7 week old pups from CKC REGESTER siberian husky sire & dame the mothers ears have always been up but the fathers went up at two months then fell and never came back up.I read about using popcicle sticks to train question ;is there instructions on doing this (where to place sticks)(what kind of tape to use)(techniqe of wrapping tape so that it stays on) etc...
would realy appreciate  your help !
Brad Proulx

People who have great danes and dobermens use this when they crop the ears to get them to stand up. I haven't used this ever so I don't know about it in detail. But if you can ask someone who knows how to do this on these other breeds, I am sure it will work if you do this at a young enough age.
Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B