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My husky is so small...

20 9:12:55

Hi Marcus, me again. My husky, Maya is 6 months old and seems so small in size to me. In movies, huskies seem larger. Is there something wrong? I assume she is about half 50 - 60 cm in height. Not 100% certain tho. When do huskies stop growing?



Sounds normal to me.  Check out for information about the "standard" for Siberians.  Purebred Sibes are often smaller and lighter than people realize, but generally, females are only to be between 20-22 inches in height (which is only 50-55 cm measured at the shoulder) and 35-50 lbs (15-23 kg).

Normally Sibes will be at their adult weight and height at 24 months, but generally dogs between 8-12 months will be finished growing their frame, and will spend the next year developing muscle and strengthening their bodies.