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My puppy is not eating

20 9:16:35

About 2 months ago my Mom adopted an alaskan husky puppy for my sisters I live in NC and they live in SC I was informed that Sarah is not eating but she drinks lots of water what is wrong and is there anything I can get over the counter to solve the problem...Help

Dear William,
When a puppy is not eating and drinking a lot of water, and by not eating I mean really not eating anything at all. It is a very serious sign something is badly wrong. Perhaps a bowel obstruction, puppies eat the strangest things! I would be going to the vet to investigate straight away. Some times young huskies can be very fussy with thier food but they will still eat things they like. So if your dog is turning up his nose at those things too get to the vet immediately. Hope your dog is ok.
Faye and Husky Crew.