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mixs coat

20 9:16:35

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Question -
Hi Faye-

I have a Labrador/Husky mix.  His face is that of a Lab's, and his coat, I think is like a Husky's.  I've never felt another Husky's coat before, but I'm assuming I'm right (it's a pretty thick coat).  I don't know if his body shape is of a Husky's also..  But what I'd like to know, is that will my dog blow his coat, like other Sibe's?  Also, if he does, when do you think he will first start blowing his coat?

Answer -
Dear Linda,
Huskies always blow thier coats in spring as soon as the weather warms up. If your dog hasn't done so by now, chances are he wont. Mine are in full moult at this time and look horrible big chunks falling out every where. The females often moult twice, at first when it first warms up and once in the late summer.
A huskies coat is a double coat, with long shiny guard hairs on the outside that act as a raincoat and a second layer of shorter dense, and very soft fur which is the thermal warmth for winter. This is the layer they shed in the moult.
I hope this helps. Faye and Husky Crew.

My dog is a puppy though, about 8wks old.  I just got him about last week so I don't know if he had blown his coat yet.  His coat still feels pretty full though.  Typically, at what age do they first blow their coat?

Dear Linda,
Puppies will not moult till next spring so you will not know until then. Though some times in late summer they can shed some coat but usually not all. Hope your dog does not adopt this husky trait, it sure is messy.
Hope this helps. Faye and husky crew.