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Attitude problem

20 9:09:11


"Glacier" with Santa
I have a beautiful black & white Siberian Husky that is show quality with a full coat.  He is a 2 1/2 year old male named Glacier.  He has a delightful temperment, but I notice when we go out, his tail goes all the way up and touches his back.  Many husky owners says that although it is not a disqualifier, it is a major fault.  I contacted the breeder, Troika kennels in Gainville, TX who is well know for their huskies in Disney movies such as "Eight Below" and "Snow Dogs".  The breeder says Glacier's tail being all the way up is an "attitude problem " as he is very sweet, but is an Alpha male with other dogs.  I'd love to show him, but I do not know how to address this problem with his tail being up all the time.  Any suggestions?

Dominant attitudes are not a problem, and the tail up is only an indicator, not a problem in and of itself.  Instead, you'll just want to make sure that he is well socialized with other dogs and you work him hard on obedience training.  With that, you should be ok.  There is also a chance that the tail up is just a happy dog (although it normally won't come all the way to touch the back.)