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Husky or What?

20 9:16:32

I've read all sorts of breed standards for the Siberian Husky and I'm still confused. I have an 11 month old Husky who won't stop growing. Last time he was weighed he ranked in at around 75 lbs (that was when he was 8 or 9 months old). He must be at least 90 Lbs now. Claypool recently had a play date with a 13 month old Siberian and TOWERED over him. I'm talking in height, weight, over all dimensions -- everything! I couldn't get over it! Anyway, I was thinking that Mr. Claypool could be a Malamute (Although I have his papers). Is it possible that his papers could be forged? I'm so confused. What other cues can I look for that he may (or may not) be a Malamute. Thanks!


Hi Alicia,
Yes it does sound suspicious that your husky may not be a sibe. My sibes which are considered huge are 24 inches at the shoulder and are 65 pounds Max. To the person in the know Siberians and Malamutes look very different. What colour is he? Most Malamutes are shaded muddy silver and white. What colour are his eyes? Blue eyes or particolour eyes are not a malamute trait.
It is indeed possible for papers to be forged, he may be a cross between the 2 breeds even, and the breeders did not want to sell any without papers so they lied about his breeding. Very unethical but it can and does happen because no one registering the dog even has to look at the puppies or the parents whaen the registrations are made.
My advice is to look at web sites with the 2 breeds on and look at pictures to see the differences. Having said this I have on occasion seen rather huge Siberians, the breed is very diverse in its traits I have seen very tiny ones weighing 35 pounds or less fully grown and large ones at 75 pounds. You may just have a freak dog. The main thing is to love and enjoy him what ever he is.
I hope this helps.
Faye and Husky Crew.