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misha my husky

20 9:09:29

hello my husky is about 7 month i think she seems to be going more wolf life...when we take her out she does not stop pulling at all so bad my hand turns blue and when we eat she will jump and growl and bark and make weird sounds...she will also not eat her dog food we have tried many brands...we decided to be more stubborn with her kicking her of the couch and various things also telling her no and putting her down by the scruff of the neck when she is naughty im just wondering is there ways to sort her behaviour and will she hate me if we push her of the couch and are strict with her.

Dogs will respect consistent and fair leadership as a whole, but you have to make sure that you are consistent (do the same thing all the time) and don't change the rules around (if she's not allowed on the couch, she's not allowed on the couch ever).  I would recommend enlisting the help of a professional trainer to help teach you how to be consistent and how to correct behaviors as they pop up.  Having a professional around can really help in developing consistent behaviors that translate well into the canine world.  Understanding dogs is a complex and long process, and someone with experience in working with dozens or hundreds (or thousands!) of dogs can definitely help you in bridging that gap.