Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Lethargic husky.

Lethargic husky.

20 9:12:30

I have a 1 1/2 year old husky who has been lying around the house a lot the
lase week or so. In the morning he is FULL of energy and we go to the dog
park and he runs and plays for near an hour. We come home and he sleeps
most of the rest of the day. It is about 80 degrees outside. Is this normal
behavior for a husky? Could the hot temp. be why he is laying around so
much? He is still eating well and when he does want to play he is full of
energy. I will get him up for a walk or to play a bit and he will participate. I
am usually at work during the day and I am off this week which is why I
noticed it but it could be something he does all day anyhow. He also sleeps
very well at night.

You have discovered the secret.  You see, Siberians sleep all day while owners are at work just so they can continue to act crazy whenever the humans are around.  Since you've changed up your schedule, you have caught the Sibe unawares.

Actually, this is completely normal behavior.  Dogs from a physiological standpoint are carnivores.  Being developed to eat meat, which is high in calories, they don't need food that often.  Since they don't need food that often (compared to vegetarians who often need to graze all day to maintain body weight), they sleep a lot.  It's normal behavior for any carnivore, and while dogs have slowly been removed from the pure meat-eating nature of their ancestors, it's still typical behavior.  Felines do the same thing, and for the exact same reason.  Often though, cats are more notorious for it because they don't rely on the human interaction as much and, with the exception of a pride of lions, they are more solitary creatures.  Dogs on the other hand are pack animals and so will create their schedule around the pack interactions.  You are up in the morning - let's play.  You are around in the evening - let's play.  You are gone for 10 hours during the day, and sleep at night - the dog probably thinks you sleep 18 hours a day too . . .

Hope that helps.  If you do notice overall lethargy, lack of appetite, and no desire to play at your normal times, then you may have a Sibe with an ailment, but otherwise, sounds like a normal situation.