Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > my husky is very thin

my husky is very thin

20 9:12:54

Hi, my female husky eats well. Both dog food and some table food, but she looks very thin. I did not see any worms in her stool. what could could be the reason? should i get over the counter medicine for worms?

Hi Lion,

If you don't see worms in her stool then I don't think she has any.  Some huskies do look thin and they are usually female huskies.  My female husky looks really thin compared to my male.  If she is eating very well and you can't see her ribs or other bones sticking out, then she should be fine.  If you really think she has worms or are still concerned about the way she looks, then you should make a vet appointment to get her checked out.  From what you told me I don't think she has anything wrong with her.  

If you have anymore questions please ask.

Thanks and Good Luck,