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My Siberian Husky

20 9:10:23

I have a 10 month Siberian Husky that weighs 20 lbs and is 21 inches tall. I feed her two cups a day of beniful. She seems very skinny. I can see her ribs as well as her hip bones. Is this normal at her age? shouldn't she weigh more?

She does seem a little thin, although you do have a dog that is basically a "teenager" and it is not uncommon for dogs to go through rather gawky looking stages.  I would suggest increasing her fat/protein intake either with a higher calorie food, or adding some meat to her diet.  As long as she isn't loosing weight and is making at least a slow steady increase, you should be alright.  If she is not gaining weight, or continues to lose it, I would make sure to get her to the vet to check for parasites or other medical problems.