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Resouce on learning to train and gear info

20 9:10:55

My g/f and I have 6 AKC Huskies, 2 adults 4 their pups. We were looking to sell the pups, but they work and live so well as a pack that we may end up keeping them. They have learned to climb a 4 foot "no climb" fence and learn to climb things near by to get out. They have a lot of energy and would like to "Harness" some of the energy and have them start pulling. But I have no idea where to start, the standard commands and where to get the gear. We have 10 acres of open field that would be good for them. Some facts about the dogs: This is the parents 2nd litter and 2 years from their last. We are NOT a breeder or puppy mill for those PETA people. The pups were born of 3-4-08, 2 males and 2 females. Their fenced area has +/-1600 sq ft. Here is a link to their pics

pretty grou you have there! Usually they suggest a 6 foot or taller fence for Siberians, because of the problem you are having now.
Here is something I will suggest for the top of your fence
Just by looking at it you can probably figure out how to make a inespensive one (PVC piping and electric wire). It might help so they don't cimb over the fence.
As far as pulling goes, you don't want them pulling any weight till they are 2. In the mean time you can have them drag pop cans, empty, ot almost empty gallon milk bottles ect so they can get used to the sound of somthing being drug behind them.
Here is a site that will hook you up with Books and gear for training your dog how to pull. You can even call them up to help you fit your dog for a harness! They are very nice.
Any more Q please ask!