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Am I feeding him too much?

20 9:12:56

Hi, I have a 5 month old siberian male, (Indy), and I've had him since he was 5 weeks old. I've been reading that huskies should only be getting 1 cup a day of dog food........ but he's been getting much more. We feed him Purina Dog chow, and he gets more like 6 cups a day. 3 in the morning, and 3 in the evening. He's at the appropriate weight, you can feel the outline of his ribs, but can't see them. (At least this is what my vet told me.) So what should I do? I don't want to over feed him, but I don't want to underfeed him, either.
Thanks A lot-

Hi Rachel,

Your puppy should be eating 3 times a day until he reaches 6 months.  The amount of food they tell you to give your puppy on the back of the packages isn't always right either.  To determine the amount your puppy needs you need to measure how much he eats in 10-15 minutes.  How you need to do this is start out with about 1 cup of puppy food. If he eats all this before 10-15 minutes give him another cup and keep doing this when the bowl gets empty during the 10-15 minutes of feeding time.   During this time you need to keep track of how much you are feeding him, so you know the amount to give him during his feeding time.  You only need to do this once to determine the amount.  After the 10-15 minutes are up then pick up the bowl, no matter what.  Once Indy turns 6 months you might have to do this again since he will be switching to 2 times a day.  With this method you aren't under feeding him or over feeding him.  Of course over time the amount of food will change so if you notice he eats all his food in a couple of minutes or not eating all his food in the 10-15 minutes then you should re-measure it again.  

I hope this helps.  If you have anymore questions please ask.  

Thanks and Good Luck,