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Breeding my huskies

20 9:12:19

Recently we purchased a 1 1/2 year old female husky. She was in heat when we brought her home and our male went crazy! He was all over her. They tied a total of five times. 4 of these times were for approx 10-15 minutes. We were trying to keep them apart but he was very sly in getting to her.

But my question is since they did tie that many times and for the lengths of time does that make our chances of a big litter better? And will her attitude and schedule change i.e. will she want to sleep and eat more? And do I need to change her diet?

Here is a pregnancy calendar for you it will tell you when and where you need to change her diet and such.

And the amount of tying, the more they tie the smaller the litter usually run. You can actually breed the puppies right out of a girl by letting them breed as much as they want. Usually you get the largest litters from 2 ties, after that the litter size can change. -Michelle B ^^