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treats for training

20 9:09:47

What is a "good" treat to use to train a Husky pup. The breeder recommended cheese, will this bind the dog up?

I recommend against treat based training as a rule.  Do you want your dog to listen and obey commands based on hunger?  Sibes are notoriously cunning dogs, and will often work for treats when they are hungry, but if more opportune things come about than food, they will ignore commands.

Also, while cheese is ok in small amounts, if you are going to use treats for training, I recommend something more bland and low calorie that won't result in the dog weighing 20 or 30 lbs. more than it should.  I still give my dogs treats, but not for training purposes.  The treats they really seem to like are actually a cheap "puppy" treat that is generic to the local pet store.  (The treats are actually made by Pro Pac, but packaged generically.)  Low calorie and bite size, they seem to work really well.