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Walking huskies in the heat of the summer

20 9:12:38

How long should you walk a husky in the heat of the summer (90%) and what are the signs that it's time to take my husky home?  
I have a six month old husky that loves to walk, but I get concerned about having him outside in the heat too long.  I bring him home when I see he is slowing down and panting a lot.  However, he still has a lot of energy to burn.  Could he walk longer or am I right to bring him home?  Margie

Bring him home if he starts slowing down and panting, that a sign of fatigue and much like humans, dogs can succumb to heat stroke - and wearing a fur coat will expedite that process.  Humidity also plays an important role in it, and you should notice that on drier days, the husky does better.  Suggestions:

1) Dogs regulate body temperature through the pads of their feet and their mouths.  If the dog can walk on cooler surfaces (wet grass is great), it can help.  Also, while difficult in hot weather, giving ice cubes as treats is great to help keep the dog cool.

2) Find shaded areas - walks in parks and the woods often help out.  Also, keep in mind that if you get outside of an urban setting, ruraltemperatures usually are 3-5 degrees cooler.

3) Try walks in late evenings or early mornings when it is cooler and the sun is not as harsh.

In any case, each dog is different, but keep an eye on them for signs of stress.  Panting is ok, slowing down significantly is however a sign of fatigue.  Walking your dog to this point isn't problematic, but asking him to keep going after he is starting to feel the effects of the heat can be dangerous.  Also, make sure that he has a cool place to retreat indoors after the walks.