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Hes a handful

20 9:09:03

I recently "inherited" my brother's 11 month old male Husky. He is very strong-willed. He has been through one round of training, but I fear that there was little follow-through. My fiance and I are generally active and busy people. We try to give him attention, but he stays in the back yard most of the day except for when he gets to come inside or when he goes for his walk/run. I know that Huskies are pack animals, but I don't think I could convince my fiance to get another one. Any recommendations? Should we seriously consider a companion dog? If so, is there another breed that works well with Huskies?

The more interaction the dog receives, the better.  If not a companion dog, finding ways to increase human interaction and exercise are also effective.  A tired husky is a good husky!  As for other dogs that work well with Sibes, first - other Sibes!  But barring that, I recommend any dog that is generally considered dog friendly, and it would need to be an active dog that is roughly an equivalent size (or larger).  Sibes are known for playing hard and can sometimes get a little rough with other dogs in their play, something that wouldn't be good with a small dog.  Find other dogs that are considered highly active, and while it might seem counter-productive (to have two super-active dogs), they can often play with each other, freeing you up to take a break.

Good luck!