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Huskies problems

20 9:10:10

I have two siberian huskies 3 months old. i have a couple of questions to ask because i am new at huskies and i see that they are really hard to listen. Especially because they are two.
1)How to teach my dogs to make their natural needs out of my garden?
2)When they are fighting should I separate them?
3)One of the huskies has an ear dropping is it anything wrong with it?Can i do something about that?
4)Would it be better to have them separated?
Sorry for asking so many questions but there are so many things i need to know for my huskies.
Thank you in advance

Alright, here's some things to get you started, but feel free to write back to clarify points:

1) Sorry - I don't understand this question.

2) Fighting - if the dogs are three months old, most of their "fights" are probably playtime.  It takes some skill sometimes to know the difference, but they should be separated if there actually fighting, but playtime should be encouraged.

3) Don't worry about the ears, it's pretty common that the ears won't stand erect until they are a little older (sometimes up to about a year).  Also, some dogs will have their ears stand erect for a few weeks, and then they start dropping again.  Again, no problem, it should correct itself in the first year of life.

4) Separation: When?  Siberians are social animals and will love the interaction.  While I definitely don't think that first time owners should try to have two puppies at the same time, the puppies will most likely love other dogs around to play with.  When you are training them, I would recommend doing that separately.